
Pixelabs Tartaglia

TARTAGLIA: un nuevo impulso para la mejora del sector salud.

Presentación de las fases del proyecto con todos los integrantes del consorcio.   Pixelabs forma parte del consorcio público-privado formado por 16 entidades que buscan acelerar y mejorar la investigación clínica y sanitaria en España.   Este consorcio está trabajando en el proyecto Tartaglia enmarcado dentro del programa Misiones de I+D en Inteligencia Artificial de la agenda España Digital 2025 y de la Estrategia Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial y estará financiado por la Unión Europea a través de los fondos Next Generation EU.   Pixelabs lidera el paquete de trabajo sobre investigación en los modelos predictivos para el cribado automático de la retinopatía diabética usando redes neuronales convolucionales. Poder dar a conocer este tipo de investigación clínica, es una manera de contribuir en el avance de la sociedad y para nosotros es muy importante que parte de nuestros esfuerzos tecnológicos como compañía tengan un impacto positivo en las instituciones, sociedad y ciudadanos.   Eneka Carnicer, coordinadora del paquete...

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Tartaglia Pixelabs

Pixelabs forma parte del proyecto TARTAGLIA

Estamos más que contentos de anunciar que formamos parte del consorcio liderado por GMV. El consorcio de constitución público y privada, se encargará de la creación de una red federarada basada en inteligencia artificial para acelerar la investigación clínica. El proyecto se enmarca dentro del programa Misiones de I+D en Inteligencia Artifcial y además está financiado por los fondos Next Generation EU. En esta colaboración publico-privada, se espera avanzar en la investigación clínica y tecnológica, y de otras herramientas de vanguardia como el Big Data. Adjuntamos nota de prensa con todo el detalle del programa.   Dentro de este proyecto de gran magnitud, Pixelabs lidera la creación de modelos predictivos para el cribado automático de la retinopatía diabética usando redes neuronales convolucionales. Estos modelos serán usados dentro de la propia red federada y se usarán datos distribuidos.     Imagen de presentación Pixelabs PT8.       El proyecto Tartaglia ha recibido financiación del Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación...

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Pixelabs Netsensing Digi B Cube

El primer dispositivo de diagnóstico de la apnea del sueño basado en IoT.

Madrid 4 de Febrero de 2021 Netsensing Technology (en adelante Netsensing) y Pixelabs están desarrollando HSATPro, el primer dispositivo de diagnóstico de la apnea del sueño de bajo coste, fácil de usar, basado en el IoT, sin tubos y sin cables, con sensores y algoritmos innovadores y de precisión gracias al proyecto DIGI-B-Cube.     Netsensing y Pixelabs esperan llevar al mercado una solución competitiva y accesible para los ciudadanos y pacientes que necesitan diagnosticar o tratar la apnea con un dispositivo asequible. HSATPro será capaz de analizar y extraer datos relativos a la apnea del sueño, a la medición de las respiraciones del diafragma y del tórax, a los latidos del corazón, a la posición del cuerpo y a la saturación de oxígeno. Para tener listos nuestros modelos, es necesario diseñar y desarrollar un marco de IA. Este marco estará listo para construir modelos predictivos y de extracción de información basados en el...

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Pixelabs Netsensing Digi B Cube

The first IoT-based sleep apnea diagnosis device.

Madrid, 14 January 2021   Netsensing Technology (hereinafter Netsensing) and Pixelabs are developing HSATPro, the first low-cost, easy-to-use, IoT-based, tubeless and wireless sleep apnea diagnosis device with innovative, precision sensors and algorithms thanks to DIGI-B-Cube Project.   Netsensing and Pixelabs hope to bring a competitive solution to the market and accessible to citizens and patients who need to diagnose or treat apnea with an affordable device. HSATPro advances the diagnosis of sleep apnea Measuring diaphragm & thorax respirations, heartbeat, body position, and oxygen saturation ensures accurate identification of the type of apnea.  To get our models ready, it is needed to design and develop an AI framework. This framework will be ready to build predictive models and insight extraction models based on machine learning.   Some key features will allow AI to make predictions including:   Efficiency of treatment. Today, the measurements of the efficiency of sleep apnea treatment (CPAP and Mandibular Orthosis), is done qualitatively. Our device can measure...

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Pixelabs CIBIR Alzheimer

AI and research for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s

We partnered with CIBIR to develop an artificial intelligence system based on machine learning capable of discovering patterns. This system will learn from thousands of eye images, classifying the presence or absence of ß-peptide amyloid. Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease for which there is no treatment. It is a progressive disease that causes brain cells to gradually die, and the first symptoms are loss of memory or loss of abilities. The diagnosis of Alzheimer's usually is in the very advanced stages of the disease, which is why it is of the utmost importance to be able to make an early diagnosis of the disease, to be able to begin treatments as early as possible. We have partnered with the Biomedical Research Center of La Rioja (CIBIR) to develop an artificial intelligence system based on machine learning capable of discovering patterns that can help in the early diagnosis and stages of the disease. This system...

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Pixelabs Netsensing Digi B Cube

HSATPro receives funding from Digi-B-Cube Project.

Madrid, 5 November 2020 “HSATPro receives funding from Digi-B-Cube Project, funded under the Eurpean Union’s Horizon 2020 program”   HSATPro The first low-cost and easy-to-use apnea diagnosis device.   Netsensing Technology (hereinafter Netsensing) and Pixelabs are developing HSATPro, the first low-cost, easy-to-use, IoT-based, tubeless and wireless sleep apnea diagnosis device with innovative, precision sensors and algorithms thanks to DIGI-B-Cube Project.   Apnea when not treated increases the chances of cardiovascular disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, reducing life expectancy by an average 12 years. 749M people with sleep apnea remain undiagnosed because of the high cost and long waiting periods. Currently, the waiting period is 1 year, with associated costs of €1,500/patient. In the EU and the US, insurance reimbursement is below € 150.   Netsensing and Pixelabs hope to bring a competitive solution to the market and accessible to citizens and patients who need to diagnose or treat apnea with and affordable device . HSATPro advances the diagnosis of...

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Pixelabs Salud en Evolución

Natural Language Processing to understand people’s state of mind.

Throughout this week, we have been telling you on social media about the Pfizer Foundation's SaludEnEvolución initiative. Today, we give you the third video of the series presented by Luis Quevedo, in which we are featured.     Artificial intelligence offers many possibilities to innovate in fields like healthcare. One of the most advanced technologies is Natural Language Processing, which allows you to not only extract the number of words in a conversation but also to interpret the people's state of mind. Interested in this technology? Contact us. Let's talk!     You can also visit the Pfizer Foundation's Youtube channel or their website!     [embed][/embed]  ...

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Richi Entrepreneurs 2019 Pixelabs

Richi Entrepreneurs 2019 Edition.

Our proposal was the winner of the third edition of the e-Dea Salud 2019, organized by the Pfizer Foundation.   As the challenge winner, we have the opportunity of being part of the Richi Foundation immersion program, “which provides the best life sciences and cleantech companies from around the world with key resources and access to Boston’s advanced innovation ecosystem.”   We had an incredible week with great investors, market players, advisors, industry experts, and private & public institutions. During the program, all startups worked with an intern, a student from a Boston-based organization, who will support each business during the following 8 weeks with market research, outreach, and business model validation in the US. Also, we attended a workshop on the subject of operations and dealmaking. It was a very informative session. We learned a lot about the resources and programs available for startups in the US.   Richi Entrepreneurs 2019     [caption id="attachment_3986" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Networking sessions @...

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