Computer Vision

Tartaglia Pixelabs

Pixelabs forma parte del proyecto TARTAGLIA

Estamos más que contentos de anunciar que formamos parte del consorcio liderado por GMV. El consorcio de constitución público y privada, se encargará de la creación de una red federarada basada en inteligencia artificial para acelerar la investigación clínica. El proyecto se enmarca dentro del programa Misiones de I+D en Inteligencia Artifcial y además está financiado por los fondos Next Generation EU. En esta colaboración publico-privada, se espera avanzar en la investigación clínica y tecnológica, y de otras herramientas de vanguardia como el Big Data. Adjuntamos nota de prensa con todo el detalle del programa.   Dentro de este proyecto de gran magnitud, Pixelabs lidera la creación de modelos predictivos para el cribado automático de la retinopatía diabética usando redes neuronales convolucionales. Estos modelos serán usados dentro de la propia red federada y se usarán datos distribuidos.     Imagen de presentación Pixelabs PT8.       El proyecto Tartaglia ha recibido financiación del Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación...

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Pixelabs Ecoembes Planta Seleccion

Pixelabs forma parte del proyecto SEPARA

Madrid 1 Febrero 2021   Pixelabs forma parte del Consorcio de ocho empresas que desarrolla el proyecto SEPARA, dirigido a lograr la transformación tecnológica del  sector de valorización de residuos, para así impulsar una economía circular efectiva en la industria española.   Programa Misiones - CDTI > Misión Nº 4, Impulsar a la industria española en la revolución industrial del siglo XXI.   [caption id="attachment_4941" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Ecoembes - En la Planta Seleccion[/caption]   Liderado por Ecoembes desde la línea Planta 4.0 de The Circular Lab, como actor clave dentro del escenario español de gestión y tratamiento de residuos, el proyecto SEPARA , tiene por objetivo sentar las bases para la transformación digital inteligente de plantas de selección de residuos, con la finalidad de incrementar significativamente la eficiencia y la productividad de sus procesos, así como impulsar futuros proyectos de I+D que habiliten a todo el sector de gestión de residuos para abordar los exigentes retos que...

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100% Digital Pixelabs

100% operational, 100% digital

A month ago, we wrote our post "An extra bit of energy and efficiency." It's been 9 weeks since we started working remotely due to the COVID-19 situation. Our team is still 100% operational, making us a 100% digital company.   As we were saying, we are very happy to continue working remotely each day. We stay on top of our projects and continue to work side by side with our clients. Also, we want to thank them for their energy and willingness to maintain fluid and functional communication both at national and international levels.   If you have any questions, please let us know! ...

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IBM Watson Build Challenge. Pixelabs.

IBM Watson Build Challenge.

Business challenge: To create an AI offering designed to help egg farms in Spain streamline a labor-intensive process, Pixelabs needed sophisticated object recognition technology and a supportive ecosystem.   Transformation: Participating in the Watson Build challenge, IBM Business Partner Pixelabs created a prototype designed to transform a time-consuming process for Spain’s egg farmers. Using an IBM® Watson® model trained to analyze images, the startup will launch an AI offering to help improve the speed and accuracy of cracked-egg detection while also driving down costs.   About Deteggtor: Deteggtor is solution to detect broken eggs. Egg farms process, package and sell hundreds of eggs per day on a daily basis. One of their main concerns about quality and food safety are based on cracked egg detection. Based on that we propose to take advantage of Watson Visual Recognition in order to help these farms to make sure they are complying with the industry regulations. After a long investigation process, we came up with a system capable to outperform current employees in this task. This way,...

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New year, new challenges - Pixelabs

New year, new challenges.

AI Powered Value. Pixelabs is a tech company based on innovation. Our field of action is Artificial Intelligence. Through this technology and its different applications, we provide added value to each of our clients, solving their specific needs.  Our company boasts a young and multidisciplinary profile, with 30 being the average age within the company. This young profile makes Pixelabs dynamic, agile and adaptable to new challenges. Likewise, part of the philosophy of Pixelabs is to trust and support innovation and emerging knowledge; to do this, it relies on partners with whom it collaborates and actively participates, such as universities, since they have the most cutting-edge knowledge as well as resources and specialized talent.  Building great solutions and integrating AI technologies is a complex process and our team is working day by day to take on every new project and challenge.   ...

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