
Seal Of Excellence Pixelabs Horizon 2020

SELLO DE EXCELENCIA de la Comisión Europea.

Madrid 16 Junio 2021 (actualización ES)   Pixelabs ha obtenido el SELLO DE EXCELENCIA de la Comisión Europea por nuestro proyecto VISION dentro del programa H2020.   El proyecto VISION se presentó dentro de la convocatoria H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 del Instrumento Pyme de Horizonte 2020 y este reconocimiento sólo se otorga a los proyectos que han superado con una alta puntuación que demuestra que nuestro concepto, idea y solución es altamente innovadora y competitiva. Estamos muy contentos y motivados con este nuevo reconocimiento sobre uno de nuestros proyectos estrella, que nos da un nuevo impulso para seguir innovando dentro del ámbito de la inteligencia artificial y sus infinitas aplicaciones. El SELLO DE EXCELENCIA significa que hemos superado todos los estrictos umbrales de evaluación de Horizonte 2020, como la excelencia, el impacto, la calidad y la eficiencia de la ejecución. Aplicamos las últimas tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial a áreas de negocio y casos de uso que hasta ahora utilizaban...

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Pixelabs obtiene el sello goCircular Pass

Pixelabs ha recibido el sello goCircular Pass, que reconoce el trabajo de los emprendedores en el ámbito de la economía circular, otorgado por The Circular Lab y Ecoembes.                         The Circular Lab el centro de innovación abierta de Ecoembes, nos ha dado pie a investigar nuevos caminos y rutas aplicando nuestra tecnología y expertise. Dentro del sector del Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad, la tecnología y herramientas que ofrecemos son también candidatas para mejorar el proceso de reciclado de materiales y residuos, así como en la mejora del aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales y materiales. Estas soluciones tienen cabida tanto en proyectos de gran envergadura como en pequeñas soluciones dirigidas a usuarios en forma de app.   Estas son nuestras soluciones actuales dentro del ámbito de la economía circular: ➜ Automatización mediante IA y Visión Artificial del proceso de separación de materiales propios e impropios. ➜ Identificación de envases mediante Visión Artificial.   Os adjuntamos además, los últimos artículos...

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Pixelabs Netsensing Digi B Cube

El primer dispositivo de diagnóstico de la apnea del sueño basado en IoT.

Madrid 4 de Febrero de 2021 Netsensing Technology (en adelante Netsensing) y Pixelabs están desarrollando HSATPro, el primer dispositivo de diagnóstico de la apnea del sueño de bajo coste, fácil de usar, basado en el IoT, sin tubos y sin cables, con sensores y algoritmos innovadores y de precisión gracias al proyecto DIGI-B-Cube.     Netsensing y Pixelabs esperan llevar al mercado una solución competitiva y accesible para los ciudadanos y pacientes que necesitan diagnosticar o tratar la apnea con un dispositivo asequible. HSATPro será capaz de analizar y extraer datos relativos a la apnea del sueño, a la medición de las respiraciones del diafragma y del tórax, a los latidos del corazón, a la posición del cuerpo y a la saturación de oxígeno. Para tener listos nuestros modelos, es necesario diseñar y desarrollar un marco de IA. Este marco estará listo para construir modelos predictivos y de extracción de información basados en el...

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Pixelabs Netsensing Digi B Cube

The first IoT-based sleep apnea diagnosis device.

Madrid, 14 January 2021   Netsensing Technology (hereinafter Netsensing) and Pixelabs are developing HSATPro, the first low-cost, easy-to-use, IoT-based, tubeless and wireless sleep apnea diagnosis device with innovative, precision sensors and algorithms thanks to DIGI-B-Cube Project.   Netsensing and Pixelabs hope to bring a competitive solution to the market and accessible to citizens and patients who need to diagnose or treat apnea with an affordable device. HSATPro advances the diagnosis of sleep apnea Measuring diaphragm & thorax respirations, heartbeat, body position, and oxygen saturation ensures accurate identification of the type of apnea.  To get our models ready, it is needed to design and develop an AI framework. This framework will be ready to build predictive models and insight extraction models based on machine learning.   Some key features will allow AI to make predictions including:   Efficiency of treatment. Today, the measurements of the efficiency of sleep apnea treatment (CPAP and Mandibular Orthosis), is done qualitatively. Our device can measure...

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Seal Of Excellence Pixelabs Horizon 2020

SEAL OF EXCELLENCE from the European Commission.

Madrid 14 Dec 2020   Pixelabs has obtained the SEAL OF EXCELLENCE from the European Commission for our VISION project within the H2020 program.   The VISION project was submitted under the Horizon 2020’s SME Instrument call H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 and this recognition is only given to projects that have passed with a high score that proves that our concept, idea, and solution is highly innovative and competitive. We are very happy and motivated with this new recognition on one of our core projects, which gives us a new impulse to continue innovating within the area of artificial intelligence and its infinite applications. The SEAL OF EXCELLENCE means that we passed all stringent Horizon 2020 assessment thresholds, such as excellence, impact, quality, and efficiency of implementation.   We apply the latest Artificial Intelligence technologies to business areas and use cases that until now used classic methodologies and approaches.  Since our company started we have been growing in services and...

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Pixelabs Netsensing Digi B Cube

HSATPro receives funding from Digi-B-Cube Project.

Madrid, 5 November 2020 “HSATPro receives funding from Digi-B-Cube Project, funded under the Eurpean Union’s Horizon 2020 program”   HSATPro The first low-cost and easy-to-use apnea diagnosis device.   Netsensing Technology (hereinafter Netsensing) and Pixelabs are developing HSATPro, the first low-cost, easy-to-use, IoT-based, tubeless and wireless sleep apnea diagnosis device with innovative, precision sensors and algorithms thanks to DIGI-B-Cube Project.   Apnea when not treated increases the chances of cardiovascular disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, reducing life expectancy by an average 12 years. 749M people with sleep apnea remain undiagnosed because of the high cost and long waiting periods. Currently, the waiting period is 1 year, with associated costs of €1,500/patient. In the EU and the US, insurance reimbursement is below € 150.   Netsensing and Pixelabs hope to bring a competitive solution to the market and accessible to citizens and patients who need to diagnose or treat apnea with and affordable device . HSATPro advances the diagnosis of...

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Pixelabs Press Clipping 2019

2019 Press Clippings

New projects and opportunities are emerging despite the uncertainty that surrounds us. Perseverance and tenacity help us to continue 100% with all our projects and new challenges. We remain operational and remote. In this post, we leave you with a compilation of our press clippings with some of the most relevant events in which we participated in 2019. We had the opportunity to be at The Hop and be one of the 12 selected companies:   We won the third edition of the edeaSalud awards, organized by the Pfizer Foundation: Read the press release.   And we were awarded the Premio Mercurio Innovación:   Keep moving forward, keep innovating.    ...

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e-Dea Salud 2019 Pixelabs

e-Dea Salud 2019 Video Summary

Our proposal was the winner of the third edition of the e-Dea Salud 2019, organized by the Pfizer Foundation! Check out this summary: "On September 25, 2019, the Pfizer Foundation held the E-dea Health 2019 Challenge awards ceremony. The proposal of the Pixelabs startup was chosen as the winner of the third edition of the e-Dea Salud Challenge, organized by the Pfizer Foundation in collaboration with the Consorci Corporación Sanitaria Parc Taulí de Sabadell (Barcelona) and the Richi Foundation. The winning project is based on AI technologies that allow the analysis and evaluation of the opinions and expectations of the users of the Hospital, both patients and their companions". -  ...

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2019, What a year!

This year we’ve been very busy, not only working on day-to-day projects but also participating in numerous events. We’ve been connecting with new clients, and we’ve also won two prizes this year.  We had the opportunity to do a teambuilding during which the whole team was able to take a break, enjoy nature, and recharge their batteries in a unique spot.  We’re very grateful to have been the winners of the e-Dea Salud 2019 award sponsored by the Pfizer Foundation and Hospital Parc Tauli and to have been selected for the Premio Mercurio Innovación organized by the Club de Marketing de La Rioja.  Our pilot built in the IBM Watson Challenge is now on the IBM case studies page. Our solution made an impact and has thus far been received with great enthusiasm, which gives us a lot of energy to continue developing this project, as well as all the others.  After the trip...

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The Hop by Estrella Galicia.

[Updated 21th November] Pixelabs was in the final round of the 2nd Edition of The Hop, by Estrella Galicia Very happy and grateful for these 2 days along with @SomosTheHop We're just one step away from being one of the selected startups! Congratulations to the winners of this second edition!     [Original 31th October] We'll present our pitch on November 6th!     [caption id="attachment_4016" align="alignnone" width="1024"] TheHop Website Screenshot[/caption]   “TheHop is a collaborative entrepreneurship program. In other words, a formula for StartUps to be part of an ecosystem that drives them to grow with our company.” In this edition of The Hop has selected 6 technological-digital startups in the growth phase that incorporate new tools and business models into our value chain. They will also place special emphasis on ensuring that the projects selected have a clear social or environmental impact and contribute to improving people's lives, in line with the objectives of the century (ODS). Press release:    Around the web: El Referente El Economista        ...

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